MBA Research Board Member Receives Rising Star Award
Left: Dr. Barbara Wall, State CTE Deputy Superintendent, Georgia (member state)
Center: Laura Scheibe, President, Advance CTE Board of Directors, and Director of the Division of College, Career, and Student Success for the South Dakota Department of Education, South Dakota (member state)
Right: Dr. Katie Graham, State CTE Director, Nebraska (member state)
MBA Research proudly sponsored and attended the 2022 Advance CTE Fall Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 17-19, 2022.
During the meeting, Advance CTE awarded the State Career Technical Education (CTE) Leadership Rising Star Award to Dr. Katie Graham of Nebraska, a valued member of the MBA Research Board of Trustees. This award recognizes new CTE leaders who are actively engaged with and dedicated to advancing a vision for CTE that is committed to quality, equity, and access within their state.
Dr. Katie Graham has served as State Career Technical Education Director at the Nebraska Department of Education since 2018. She also currently serves on the Advance CTE Board of Directors as Vice President, and is past chair of the Nebraska Partner Council, a collaboration between representatives of federal programs from the Departments of Education, Labor, Economic Development, and Health and Human Services. Dr. Katie Graham is currently serving a three-year term as MBA Research Board of Trustees member.
Advance CTE also awarded the State CTE Distinguished Leadership Award to Dr. Barbara Wall of Georgia. This award recognizes current and former state CTE leaders who have a distinguished history of service and have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to advancing a vision for high-quality and equitable CTE at the state and national levels.
We are so proud to recognize our members’ incredible contributions to the world of CTE, and we are proud to count Georgia, Nebraska, and South Dakota among our member states in the MBA Research Consortium.
Advance CTE Executive Director Kimberly Green stated, “Advance CTE is pleased to recognize Dr. Graham and Dr. Wall for their exemplary leadership and contributions in their states, within our organization and with the CTE field at large. Their commitment to ensuring CTE is truly without limits shine through every day. Their achievements to meet the needs of both employers and learners in their states epitomizes their effective leadership deeply rooted in service, community, quality and equity.”
MBA Research President/CEO Holly Atha prepared a blog post reflecting on this year’s theme (“Forward Together: Creating Limitless Opportunity”): Ethics in Action.
To learn more about the awards, read this press release from Advance CTE.