Programs of Study

Resource Kits for Educators

As CTE educators know, Perkins V continues to emphasize the development and implementation of high-quality programs of study for all CTE areas.

What Does That Mean, Exactly?

  • It means schools must take a structured approach to delivering education that prepares students for postsecondary education and success.
  • It means students should begin their high-school course work with a plan in mind, taking a logical sequence of standards-based courses (both academic and career courses) that build on each other through grades 14 and/or 16.
  • It means giving secondary students the opportunity to acquire postsecondary credit, industry certification, and/or a postsecondary degree.

MBA Research Programs of Study

We have developed a variety of Program-of-Study (PoS) Resource Kits to help you build programs of study at your school and/or in your state. These PoS Resource Kits (available free to all educators in member states via State’s Connection and to all others via our online store at nominal costs) can serve as starting points when creating Business Management and Administration, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and/or Marketing programs of study.

Every kit takes a holistic approach to each of the clusters, thereby providing students a broad foundation in business administration as well as a concentration in the cluster’s content.

Our Program-of-Study Resource Kits contain:
  • A “Program of Study At a Glance” grid indicating the academic and career courses suggested for grades 9 through 14 of a business student’s education
  • Course descriptions for the program of study’s career courses
  • Rigorous, non-duplicated career-course learning outcomes based on validated national standards
  • Recommendations for CTSO and business involvement
  • Relevant professional associations and organizations
  • Possible certifications students can acquire
  • Potential job opportunities at multiple educational exit points
  • Articulated courses
  • Performance indicators containing academic integration
  • A guide to share with secondary and middle-school guidance counselors
  • A promotional brochure for students
  • Promotional flyers for each course
  • A promotional poster

Reach Out Today

For further information on our Programs of Study resource kits, contact MBA Research today.
