Educational Partners: BPA + MBA Research

BPA is a sponsor of MBA Research National Business Administration Standards, available free of charge to all local and state programs.

MBA Research instructional tools, particularly lesson modules (LAPs) and the Learning Center, provide strong support for students preparing to compete in BPA competitive events, with the exception of those focused solely on technology.

NOTE: All BPA Advisors in member states are eligible for member pricing on all products and services. MBA Research representatives are frequent exhibitors at the national BPA conference.

About BPA

Business Professionals of America is the premier CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, information technology, finance, office administration, health administration and other related career fields.

The Mission of Business Professionals of America is to develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by creating unmatched opportunities in learning, professional growth and service.

The Vision Statement of Business Professionals of America is: To be an innovator in Career and Technical Education, providing our members with opportunities for growth through education, competition, community service and personal development.

Use MBA Research Resources for BPA Success

Not sure where to start? We can help.

1. Lesson modules for in-depth learning

Help students master each competency in their chosen event with lesson modules (LAPs). Each includes engaging readings, activities, test items, ethical dilemmas, discussion guides, and much more. Teacher tip: Use the LAP glossary to help students with business terminology.

Get access to over 300 lesson modules in the Learning Center or purchase modules individually via direct download on our web store.

2. Resource suggestions from BPA Advisors

Teachers tell us that using MBA Research resources has helped their students succeed at BPA competitions.

3. Practice quizzes for each event

Use the test item bank in the Learning Center to quiz students on the competencies covered in an event. Learn how to create quizzes.

4. Think fast!

Thinking on your feet is critical in competition. Help students get comfortable with quickly analyzing a situation and voicing an educated conclusion using our Gray Zone ethical dilemma scenarios. These are available on the State’s Connection portal at no cost to educators who teach in member states. Don’t teach in a member state? We often include Gray Zone scenarios in our weekly newsletter.

5. Teamwork, communications, and collaboration

Help students develop professional skills using free lesson modules available courtesy of the Daniels Fund. Each one builds skills students need to excel in college, career, and competition.

Suggested Resources for BPA Events

For teachers of our High School of Business™ program, these events and supporting resources are suggested.

BPA Events

100 Fundamental Accounting – ​Accounting LAPs
145 Banking & Finance – Financial Analysis/Management LAPs
165 Personal Financial Management – Personal Finance course guide and LAPs
190 Financial Math & Analysis Concepts – Financial Analysis/Management LAPs
220 Basic Office Systems and Procedures – Communication Skills, Employability Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership, Professional Development, Workplace Ready
225 Advanced Office Systems and Procedures – Communication Skills, Employability Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership, Professional Development, Workplace Ready
265 Business Law & Ethics – Ethics LAPs
290 Admin Support Concepts – Communication Skills, Employability Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership, Professional Development, Workplace Ready
591 Management, Marketing, & Human Resource Concepts – Management, Marketing, and Human Resources
593 Project Management Concepts – Project Management LAPs

Presentation Events for HSB Students

V01 Virtual Multimedia & Promotion Individual/V02 Team – Depending on the topic, this can correlate well with the entire HSB curriculum
V08 Start-Up Enterprise Team – Correlates well with HSB Business Strategies course
50 Financial Analyst Team – Correlates well with HSB Principles of Finance course. Note that timing is an issue if you teach this course second semester because BPA Regional Competition is December and January.
155 Economic Research Individual/160 Economic Research Team – Correlates well with HSB Principles of Business and Economics courses
165 Personal Financial Management – Correlates well with HSB Wealth Management and Finance courses and LAP modules
500 Global Marketing Team – Correlates well with HSB Marketing course
505 Entrepreneurship – Correlates well with the entire HSB curriculum
510 Small Business Management Team – Correlates well with the entire HSB curriculum
535 Human Resource Management – Correlates well with HSB Management course
555 Presentation Management Individual – Depending on the topic, this can correlate well with the entire HSB curriculum
560 Presentation Management Team – Depending on the topic, this can correlate well with the entire HSB curriculum

BPA Competitive Event Crosswalks

Each of the following crosswalks was created by MBA Research to support you and your students in preparing for BPA competition. The crosswalks list the competencies addressed in the BPA high school and middle school competitive events, along with performance indicators from the National Standards for Business Administration that align with each competency. The crosswalks also identify any Learning Activity Packages (LAPs) that are available to assist your students in preparing for competition. All LAPs can be accessed online through the Learning Center. To purchase individual titles, please visit our online store.


In the News

We’re proud to be a premier sponsor for the 2022 National Leadership Conference in Dallas, Texas.


We sponsored the BPA Ethics Awareness Challenge–check out the winning submissions below.

For More Information

For further information on our BPA resources, contact MBA Research today.
