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Call for Proposals

Take a look at the five focus areas that fit the needs of our attendees.

Share your ideas, best practices, and strategies with educators nationwide.

The call for proposals has closed.

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MBA Research Conclave: A Curriculum & Teaching Conference aims to provide teachers and administrators with a comprehensive overview of contemporary curricula, pedagogy, and program development strategies, including dialogue with leading educators and industry executives.

We consider all high-quality proposals, but five focus areas for this year’s sessions are designed to fit the needs of secondary and postsecondary business and marketing instructors, CTE administrators, and state administrators. Focus areas include:

Teacher-to-Teacher Classroom Strategies to include one or more of the following: Student credentialing • E-Learning • Flipped classroom • Integration of work-ready skills • Mentoring • Project Management • Project-Based Learning (PBL) • The middle school classroom • Student engagement • Work-Based Learning (WBL) • CTSOs • The post-Covid classroom • Using social media • Utilizing apps in the classroom • Innovative classroom techniques • AI in the classroom

Growing Your Program to include one or more of the following: Communication strategies • Unique partnerships between secondary/postsecondary • Use of data for program management and improvement • Teacher credentialing • Creating an Action Plan • Student recruitment • Building the pipeline from middle school • Branding/Marketing your program • Engaging business and industry • The changing classroom • Administrator/Counselor/Teacher collaborations

Using MBA Research’s Resources to include one or more of the following: Understanding the National Standards • Learning Center • High School of Business • Developing a Course through Curriculum Builder • Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative • Understanding a LAP • Best Practices for LAPs • A*S*K Certification Exams • Using our course guides • Middle School Career Exploration

Teaching Principle-Based Ethics to include one or more of the following: Ethics in the Classroom • Best Practices for integrating ethics • Strategies to determine the impact on students • How to use different types of ethics-based resources • Using supplemental resources to integrate ethics • Middle School Ethical Leadership

High School of Business™ to include one or more of the following: Engaging business and industry • Effective steering teams • Developing strong articulation agreements • Strategies for Project-Based Learning (PBL) • Student recruitment • Learning Center strategies • Using data for HSB program promotion • The successful HSB student • Building your program around a School-Based Enterprise
