MBA Research offers online exams that are recommended for documenting student learning outcomes over an entire multi-course program of study. We offer comparable forms of each exam as (formative) pretests and as (summative) posttests at any time.
Each exam is 100% aligned with the National Business Administration Standards and 100% aligned with the corresponding program-of-study to ensure fully curriculum-aligned assessment.
Click on the following links to obtain detailed information about end-of-program exam specifications and testing processes.
We review statistical data for each end-of-program exam annually to determine the effectiveness of the overall exam and individual items within the exam. See below to review performance data for the end-of-program exams.
Performance DataRead the manual to learn more about our end-of-program exams, including how the exams were developed, how they are administered, how teachers access students’ testing results, and much more.
Technical ManualOrder from the online store or fill out a PDF order form.