Key Takeaways From Annual HSB Survey

Every HSB school completes a thorough, annual evaluation of its program. MBA Research reviews the results in aggregate to measure the impact of the program, identify areas for improvement, and share best practices. Below are some of the key takeaways from our HSB sites.

Key Data Points:

  • 9.5: Average number of college credits HSB students have the opportunity to earn at a participating school.
  • 46% of participating schools have local agreements with 2-year colleges.
  • 29% of participating schools have local agreements with 4-year universities.
  • 6 national credit agreements are available to all HSB completers.
  • 26% of schools recognize HSB courses with honors or weighted grading.
  • 100% of HSB completers met their state’s requirements for ELA and Math.
  • 93.5% of HSB completers met their state’s requirements in technical skills.
