Last weekend in the Buckeye State: Twenty-six educators from across the country traveled to Columbus, Ohio to participate in our Ethics Integration Specialist training. While there, participants learned more about MBA Research, the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative, and the many ethics education resources we offer, as well as participated in several Ethics Boot Camp activities.

The training used a train-the-trainer model so that each participant could experience the same training they will conduct in their own state. This event also allowed participants to network, collaborate, and strategize with one another to determine ways in which these resources can be used.

Our long-term goal is to have an Ethics Integration Specialist available in every state. We look forward to offering this training again in 2023! In the meantime, if you are interested in having ethics training in your area, contact one of the Ethics Integration Specialists in your state. For more information, email Tammy Cyrus, Director of Professional Development, at cyrust@mbaresearch.org.
Check out the pictures below to see all the fun we had!